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Whether you’re looking to upgrade your applications and systems, optimize your workflow, switch IT support providers, or just tired of dealing with application and system issues, H2 can help.

  • Identity ways to improve your current IT systems
  • Remove bottlenecks and system processes that are impacting productivity
  • Discover system vulnerabilities and create an actionable plan to improve security
  • Proactively prevent future IT issues from occurring
  • Get a detailed report on the state of your CAD/BIM systems and workflow

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    Number of employees

    1 - 56 - 1213 - 4040+

    Scope of interests

    IT SolutionsCADBIMCombined Services

    Areas of Concern

    IT SupportSystem PeformanceIT BudgetingData & Email SecurityApplication IssuesOutdated SystemsDisaster Recovery & BackupCloud Migration & ServicesNetwork/Internet PerformancePrintingCAD/BIM StandardsCAD/BIM Training & Support

    Looking to make a change within

    1 month2 - 3 months6 - 9 months1 year

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